My life. My thoughts. My experiences.


Emily. Rebecca. Abraham.

Fourteen Years
Blonde-ish Hair
Born in South Africa
Moved to Florida
Now in England.

Monday 30 July 2007

Little Sister's Birthday

Yesterday Sophie turned 10. She went to Bluewater and with my help picked out an outfit. Then we had lunch out at TGI Fridays and went to see the Simpsons movie which was really good. Everyone in the audience was laughing all the way through it. When we got home we played Clue-(I won for the first time!) and watched two DVDs.

Today has been spent playing Swingball-one of Sophie's presents and reading.

I went to the doctor about my ear ache and she perscribed chewing. As in gum. I think she just didn't think my ear was that bad. Apprantly I am quite skinny I currantly weigh 38 kgs. The doc. says as long as I get my 5 a day I can pretty much eat whatever else I want. I usually eat about none a day.. Its now my goal to try and eat 5 a day, so far I've had one. Its a start right?

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