My life. My thoughts. My experiences.


Emily. Rebecca. Abraham.

Fourteen Years
Blonde-ish Hair
Born in South Africa
Moved to Florida
Now in England.

Tuesday 31 July 2007


Today, for something to do with my grandparents we drove to Dorking (What a name eh?) and walked along the high street looking in the many antique shops.

From one of her friends Sophie received a ten pound gift voucher for her birthday. As there isn't much to buy in Woolworths I helpfully suggested that she get the pick n' mix of sweets to her hearts content. ;) Mmm..It was good until you start to feel like savory food and just feel sick. Surprising, granny and grandpa also got pick n' mix. Though I think they felt a bit sheepish. I would too, pick n' mix at that age? Still I don't think I'd stop no matter how old I get.

We visited Accessorize and they were having a 70% off sale! Whoop! I bought a rather nice new necklace for only 1.50!

Antique shops are very Boring. Like Really. It's a lot of really old stuff that looks past its prime at a very expensive shop. Notice how its only the elderly who seem to take an interest.

The weather is finally getting summery so it was nice today.

Today I also gave notice to my paper round boss that I would be going away to the Lake District. He didn't seem to happy but then again he never is cheerful.

Tomorrow I have to have an hour long blood test. Ugh. Hope we do something fun to celebrate.

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