My life. My thoughts. My experiences.


Emily. Rebecca. Abraham.

Fourteen Years
Blonde-ish Hair
Born in South Africa
Moved to Florida
Now in England.

Tuesday 31 July 2007


Today, for something to do with my grandparents we drove to Dorking (What a name eh?) and walked along the high street looking in the many antique shops.

From one of her friends Sophie received a ten pound gift voucher for her birthday. As there isn't much to buy in Woolworths I helpfully suggested that she get the pick n' mix of sweets to her hearts content. ;) Mmm..It was good until you start to feel like savory food and just feel sick. Surprising, granny and grandpa also got pick n' mix. Though I think they felt a bit sheepish. I would too, pick n' mix at that age? Still I don't think I'd stop no matter how old I get.

We visited Accessorize and they were having a 70% off sale! Whoop! I bought a rather nice new necklace for only 1.50!

Antique shops are very Boring. Like Really. It's a lot of really old stuff that looks past its prime at a very expensive shop. Notice how its only the elderly who seem to take an interest.

The weather is finally getting summery so it was nice today.

Today I also gave notice to my paper round boss that I would be going away to the Lake District. He didn't seem to happy but then again he never is cheerful.

Tomorrow I have to have an hour long blood test. Ugh. Hope we do something fun to celebrate.

Monday 30 July 2007

Little Sister's Birthday

Yesterday Sophie turned 10. She went to Bluewater and with my help picked out an outfit. Then we had lunch out at TGI Fridays and went to see the Simpsons movie which was really good. Everyone in the audience was laughing all the way through it. When we got home we played Clue-(I won for the first time!) and watched two DVDs.

Today has been spent playing Swingball-one of Sophie's presents and reading.

I went to the doctor about my ear ache and she perscribed chewing. As in gum. I think she just didn't think my ear was that bad. Apprantly I am quite skinny I currantly weigh 38 kgs. The doc. says as long as I get my 5 a day I can pretty much eat whatever else I want. I usually eat about none a day.. Its now my goal to try and eat 5 a day, so far I've had one. Its a start right?

Saturday 28 July 2007


Summer Holidays! Finally..

On Thursday me and my friends caught the train down to Brighton and spent the day shopping and on the pier. First we headed for the main shopp
ing and browsed around the shops-though I'm not even size 6 yet so I couldn't fit into most of the clothes :(

Then we headed to the beach and had a healthy lunch of chips-lots of vinegar and a blue slush puppy :) Eating it on the pebbly beach was fun, though its a bit scary when you accidentally drop a chip and a swarm of vicious attack seagulls start circling you.

The beach seems strange as it is so widely known but it is not even sandy. It is pebbles. Actually pebbles-small rocks.

Next was the fun but very expensive pier. The dodgem cars are my favourite we ended up going on them twice then we went on gallatix and on the carousel.

It seems sad, but is suprising addictive to go two pence gambling in the arcade. It also gets rid of all your old 2 pences which weigh down your purse.

Unfortunately it was very windy and the sun fleetingly appeared every now and again. English summer.

I loved being able to take the train, just me and my friends which I definitly wouldn't have been able to do in America.