My life. My thoughts. My experiences.


Emily. Rebecca. Abraham.

Fourteen Years
Blonde-ish Hair
Born in South Africa
Moved to Florida
Now in England.

Tuesday 21 August 2007


The kitten people have called! They are coming round this evening to do a ''Home Inspection'' and then hopefully we should be getting two 14 week old tortoise shell female kittens!

I'm so excited.

Wednesday 15 August 2007

Catch Up

I haven't written in ages so heres a catchup.

1. Got back from the Lake District, about a week and a half ago, a few days early due to all the rain. Was so wet though meals in warm pubs were nice. We particularily enjoyed/disliked greatly (A bit of both) the day where we went on a two hour walk up a mountain to a climb that dad wanted to do. On the climb we were temporarily stranded as the rope was caught and we had to still repel down. :S Finally once we were down we decided to not go back the path way, but just straight down the mountainside. This resulted in everyone slipping and sliding several times!

2. After we got back I had to clean out the car. O
n the way out I caught my leg on the metal trimming. Aghhhh! The pain...! I screamed and we had to take it to the emergency room and I had to get seven stitches. Probably could have had more but the stitches were very far apart. Before the stitched it they had to give me so many injections, it was so painful. One injection was right in the wound itself.

-On Monday I had to get half the stitches out, so the wound wouldn't burst open! At this time they decided to give me a tetanus shot. she claimed it would only ache for a couple hours but it still aches today and is very swollen. Looked it up on the internet and it acutually aches for about 4 days!

This is a picture taken of my wound a week after it was stitched:

It really is disgusting!

Im having the rest of the other half of my stitches out on Friday.

Before I got this horrible wound I had just been rock climbing and scrambling down mountainsides. Yet I got it just getting out of the car!

3. Had a sleepover with Lucy and Jess. W
as very fun, both of them were horrified by my wound. Not that they actually saw it...

4. Went into London today with Mom and Sophie a
nd went to The National Portrait Gallery. We then found a borders and had something to drink, chose out a new cookbook and each picked out a book. :] We also bought some stationary which we all enjoyed. All of us love the thought of new stationary.

5. On the walk home I stopped off at the Reigate
Highstreet to try and find a new bag for the begining of school. I found one to my surpirse! I love it... Yay

Thursday 2 August 2007

Kittens and Camping

I am desperate for a kitten! I miss my old kitten, Moo, that we had to leave behind when we moved to England.

We have called the ''Welfare of Kittens Association'' and they are going to come round to our house to check that it is suitable for a kitten. Hopefully it will be, there is nothing dangerous and we don't live on a very busy road.

We're leaving for the Lake District this afternoon. Should be enjoyable-hopefully we'll have some sunny days so I might be able to get a tan!

We will stay for 5 days at a campsite, which one we're not sure yet... I have done basically all my packing so now I am just waiting for dad to get back from work.

Wednesday 1 August 2007

Morning At The East Surrey Hospital

This morning I had to go to the East Surrey Hospital to have a cortisol test. I have to fast for 12 hours before so I couldn't have any breakfast or anything after 9 pm the previous night.

Sophie was in a very,very bad mood
in the morning for no apparent reason. When asked why, she refused to say and then later on she screamed that no-one even cared why she was in a bad mood. Little kids eh? ;)

When she asked if she should come with to the hospital I said ''I think you'll be bored but you can come.'' At this she started sobbing saying no-one wanted her to come. Then after much debating and tears she came with, still crying. Once mom managed to give her a Calpol tablet she became much more cheery. She is quite ill..which might explain her behaviour.

Anyway once we got to the hospital I was checked in immediately an went to a ward and had to lay down on one of the hospital wards. I must s
ay making the bed go up and down was quite fun. :]
Me on the rather uncomfortable hospital bed.

My ''Dead Face'' I was bored..
Me and Soph

a few minutes one of the nurses came in to put ''magic cream'' on the backs of my hands. This was meant to numb my skin for the injection.

The waiting was so boring! The ''magic cream'' alone took 45 minutes to numb my skin. Then the doctor came in to give me an IV on my hand! It was so sore! Then when I thought it was over she had done it wrong and had to do it again on the other hand! The pain came again but it didn't work this time either! On the hands already to large bruised bumps had formed. The doctor then decided that she would have to do it in the arm where there was no ''magic cream''-not that it did much help anyway. This was sore much not nearly as much as in the hand. The doctor apologized saying she normally didn't have to do three attempts and that she prides herself on how well she normally does it...Which is a little worrying. Her excuses were that I had ''unusually tough skin (always nice to hear) and that the magic cream isn't actually meant to go on the back of your hand unless your a baby. Whoo for the nurse. Not.

Then I was told that I had to wait an hour before they could actually do the blood. A whole hour.
The nurse then came in telling me I had to have another injection. Right after the doctor had assured me that I wouldn't have to have anymore. I also guess she missed out the fact that it would be going into the muscle and injecting stuff that stings inside your body feeling horrible. It was really, really painful.

Over periods of 3o minutes my blood was collected. Then once all that was done 12 o'clock now, they said I had to rest for half an hour and hat I could finally eat! I was starving at this point. So mom went downstairs to buy me some lunch only to find that the cash machine was out of order and that the cafe didn't take a card. So we would have to wait until out of the hospital to get some lunch. While I was still ''resting'' the nurse asked if I had had any food yet, mom told them the story and then replied ''Oh, well you can go home then.'' While in the baby in the bed next to me got a full meal. Not me though.

Afterwards was nice because we went out to lunch which was nice and mom bought me a necklace from Accessorize. I do love that store. :)

By the way,
I appologise, I do sound whiny but it wasn't very pleasant.